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W7A/AW-001 (Mount Lemmon)

The gate to the top was closed, so we hiked up from the ski center, so what was supposed to be about 100 yard hike, turned into more than a mile. My wife (N3IDN) started the first 4H amateur radio program in the state of Arizona (see links page). This activation was a 4H event to get the kids involved and see what SOTA/Amateur radio is all about. In addition to the 4H kids, some of the parents that were licensed amateurs came along and did their first SOTA activations as well.

Gate at ski area
Ski Area
Road to Summit
Road to summit
W7A/AW-001 (Mt Lemmon)
W7A/AW-001 (Mt Lemmon)
W7A/AW-001 (Mt Lemmon)
W7A/AW-001 (Mt Lemmon)
W7A/AW-001 (Mt Lemmon)


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