This summit is visible from I10, just west of the Dragoon exit. I researched it on Google Earth and it looked like I could drive up. I was looking for an easier summit that day, so I figured I would give it shot. Currently I do not have a 4WD truck, but I do have a 2WD that thinks it's a 4WD. The road in looked ok on Google Earth, but not all details can be seen from above. When I got to the dirt road, it was loaded with large puddles from the last nights rain. I mananged to get through those without much issue, but then there was on area where the road seemed to drop straight down. Down is not difficult in a 2WD, but up can be, that is why I try to leave the declines for the way out. Once off the main dirt road and onto the road to the summit, a 4WD definitely would have been better. At one point I thought I was going to leave all the rubber from my rear tires all over the dirt (sharp rock) road. As luck would have it, the truck was not going to make the last half mile or so up the steep incline and I had to hike it up. Perfect distance on that steep incline.
I set up right next to a giant antenna tower. Not a very good place, but it was the only place where there was shade, which was more important to me than getting out a great signal. As it turned out, I made plenty of contacts and finished out a marathon week of SOTA activations.