The plan for today was to possibly do Pass Benchmark and if time allowed, Lookout Knoll (W7A/SC-012). I got off to a late start and wasn't sure if I could get two summits in, especially two 8's that did not have roads to the top.
Pass Benchmark ended up being a nice hike, not too strenuous. Once I was back at the truck I decided to drive by Lookout Knoll. From the road I realized that I would not have enough time to cover the distance and make the climb, so I decided to take a ride through some of the ghost towns and do some exploring. The route I was taking would bring me to Red Mountain. This summit has a road going to the top; the issue would be if the road was passable. As it turned out, the road was decent and drivable in 2WD. The road goes to the top, but the last, steep part is behind a closed gate. It was a relatively easy second summit for the day.