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W7A/CO-038 (7144)

The tentative plan for today was to try to do two summits: W7A/CO-038 and W7A/CO-045. The road to get to these summits was a 4WD road and my truck is only 2WD, so it was a bit hairy. Most of the road was carved out of rock, so if the truck got stuck, there was no digging out. The road hugged the side of the mountains and was just a couple feet wider than the truck; most of the way there was nowhere to turn around. Finally at a certain point I decided that I could not risk not being able to turn around, so I backed down a few yards and did a multipoint turn right on the edge of the road and parked. Suffice to say, I only had inches to manuever and I was a bit puckered up. I hiked up the road and, as luck would have it, found that I could likely have gotten the truck further up the road where there was plenty of room to turn around. Deep in however, there was snow/ice on the road and a steep decline, which the truck would not have been able to climb out of. Once I started to climb to the summit, I could see W7A/CO-045 in the distance (about a mile away) and from there, it looked like that summit would be impossible. If you are not familiar with the mountains and rock formations in the Dragoons/Chihuahuas, they are piled up rocks or glacier carved rock formations and they are impossible to hike up; you need technical climbing gear to get to the top. W7A/CO-045 appeared to be a summit like that, so I ruled out trying to activate that one. At some point in the future I will bring minimal gear and hike all the way in to see if it is possible. The bands seemed pretty dead today, I made 19 contacts which was not bad, but the bands were not bumping like on my last activations.

Dragoon Mountains

Dragoon Mountains

Rocks on side of the road.

Rocks on side of the road.

Rocks on side of the road.

Rocks on side of the road.

Too much snow for my 2WD.

Too much snow for my 2WD.


"Playa" dry lake bed in WIllcox AZ.

Cairn on the summit.

The impossible second summit of the day.

Looking toward Sierra Vista AZ.

Two summits to the east.


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